National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People

Balajepalli Kavya Poornima

Theme of work:.

Universal Accessibility in Leisure, Recreational and Cultural Spaces (Rushikonda Blue Flag Beach) and Mandatory Inclusion of Universal Design in Architecture Curriculum

Kavya is focusing on Architectural curriculum to promote universal accessibility in beaches in Vishakhapatnam. Being from a technical background, advocacy was a new avenue. But she used networks and connections to promote universal designs in architecture through associations, colleges and disability discussion forums. She has reached out to various local institutions for feedback on the accessibility issue. Kavya is in the process of carrying out an access audit and filing an RTI for further data.

Chaitanya Mukund

Theme of work:. Disability Disaggregated reporting of abuse on Disabled persons

Chaitanya has plunged into the area of disability abuse and is involved in a secondary study for an in-depth understanding of the issue. He is engaging with a number of local NGOs. He is also interacting with PWDs to get a first-hand account on this issue which extensively exists but is rarely reported.

Ferdinand Lyngdoh

Theme of work: Needs and measures on Accessible Transportation in Shillong,  Meghalaya

Ferdinand has been in a leading role with a disability rights organization for years now. He intends to make the transportation in his city accessible to all, and then replicate it to different parts of Meghalaya. He utilized his experience to establish connections with government departments and recently conducted a city-based live campaign to get mass support for his cause.

Kavya Mukhija

Theme of work: Accessible tourism in Jaipur, Rajasthan

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Kavya is working on the issue of accessible tourism in Jaipur. She is networking with residential societies, restaurants and cafes, using access audits to advocate for accessible social places. An active speaker, she has been able to put forward her viewpoint on various forums and social networking platforms, campaigning for disability rights.

Javid Khan

Theme of work: Inclusion of Disabled Persons in livelihood schemes of Government

Javid joined the fellowship, intending to use his understanding of ground realities gained from a past stint with journalism. He gradually identified the villages of intervention, upon interaction with government executives and disability rights advocates. He has initiated a survey to understand the requirements of various government schemes which affect the social security of persons with disabilities. He intends to advocate on the outreach of government schemes and their implementation.

Sakshi Chauhan

Theme of work: Accessible Tourism in Rishikesh

Sakshi started her fellowship in Rishikesh to work on accessibility in public places. She has met local legislators to gain their support. She is studying building byelaws in Uttarakhand to check for discrepancies, and will soon submit a report. She is also carrying out an access audit for a recently constructed public buildings to reinforce the issue

Kumar Mahavir

Theme of work: Outreach of UDID and inclusion of disabled people in Livelihood schemes

With an education in development studies, Mahavir intends to utilize his knowledge close to his home district. He organized a local summit on disability in Deoghar, in order to connect with disability rights activists and PWDs. He is conducting a study in 3 villages of Deoghar in order to develop an on-ground understanding of the issues and challenges faced by person with disabilities in acquiring disability certificates.

Nikhileshwar Gugnani

Theme of work:. Empowering Students with Disabilities through Inclusive Higher Education

Nikhileshwar primarily wants to focus on strengthening inclusion cells and student bodies at colleges in Betul,MP. He has created awareness among college authorities and student cells, sensitizing them on cross disability. He has initiated a survey on the gaps which impact an inclusive environment in higher education. Nikhileshwar plans to use qualitative studies to develop his baseline study, for implementation of the existing policy. He is developing a portal which seeks to reduce the information gap on disability rights

Abhishek Kumar

Theme of work:. Impact of Climate
change on Persons with Disability

Abhishek was interested in looking at the rather unusual, but emergent issue of climate change and its impact on persons with disabilities. The topic is largely unexplored and often… 

Aarti Batra

Theme of work:. Accessibility of Public Healthcare Centres in Gurgaon district for persons with disabilities

Aarti developed an interest in health issues for persons with disabilities after an NCPEDP workshop. Looking at the importance of early diagnosis amongst persons with disabilities, she began her work with Primary health centers, primary responders and health workers, to identify the existing needs and gaps. Aarti has been conducting a survey at the community level for her baseline study, simultaneously sensitizing the Asha and Anganwadi workers and disabled people.  She intends to further use the insights gained to advocate for the implementation of health rights of persons with disabilities.

Deepak Mishra

Theme of work: Social and economic inclusion of women, queer and trans people with disabilities.



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Deepak from Delhi is a postgraduate and is working on Problems faced by women, queer, and trans people with disabilities in pursuing higher education. He has proceeded with his primary research to collect data on his area of work. He also worked on a short documentary film that depicts the life of queer disabled individuals.

Jayant Kumar Raghav

Theme of work: Challenges Faced by People with Disabilities in Electoral Processes Despite the Technological Advancements

Jayant hails from Delhi and is currently pursuing LLM from Campus Law Centre, Delhi University. His topic of work is Challenges / barriers faced by people with disabilities in electoral processes despite the technological advancements. 


Amit Kumar Yadav

Theme of work:. Infrastructural accessibility in secondary and intermediate schools

Amit initiated his fellowship during  UP elections, campaigning with  the state and district departments for inclusive elections, and the enrolment of persons with disabilities in the electoral rolls. He is now networking with the state education departments to survey how accessible the infrastructure is in secondary and intermediate schools.

Anjali Vyas

Theme of work:. Employment for persons with Multiple Sclerosis (an Invisible
disability )

Anjali joined the fellowship to look closely into the issue of invisible disabilities- those which aren’t physically apparent, and therefore not given the same consideration as other disabilities. She is looking, in particular, into the employment opportunities available to Multiple Sclerosis patients. Anjali uses tools like RTI to understand the level of skill development and employment schemes. She also actively uses platforms like LinkedIn, and disability networks to connect and engage.

Krishna Yadav

Theme of work:. Understanding the Status of Inclusion in Primary education of Children with Disabilities

Krishna wants to work for the betterment of persons with disabilities in rural areas. She reached out to village schools to understand their essential infrastructure and amenities to ensure a right environment for students. She plans to work with local authorities, students and school management to conduct a baseline study and hence, an inclusive environment in schools.

Saurabh Prasad

Theme of work:. STEM based Education for Visually Impaired

Saurabh is exposing the challenge for visually impaired students to pursue a degree in engineering. His objective is to make STEM education accessible to visually impaired students, who are often sidelined from mainstream higher education. He is extensively engaging with school authorities to bring collaborative solutions for existing students, as also using his ongoing primary study to document the barriers for STEM. He intends to create an inclusive model and start his own channel to teach coding to visually impaired students.

Thaneshwar Nishad

Theme of work: Inclusion of Disabled Persons in Employment Guarantee scheme of Government

Thaneshwar is networking with local authorities, NGOs and community-based organizations for conducting a primary study on the existing livelihood-based schemes in the region, and the lacunae that excludes persons with disabilities from participating actively. He is looking forward to collaborating with state departments with the guidance of local disability activists.

Balram Ghoshal

Theme of work:. Ensuring social security to individuals affected by leprosy.



Balram from Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh is a non disabled fellow and is working on Ensuring Social Security To Individual Affected Leprosy. He has proceeded with his primary research to collect data on his area of work.

Kiran Kharb

Theme of work: Vulnerability of persons with Disability towards suicide



 Kiran from Delhi is working on  vulnerability of persons with  disabilities towards suicide. Having joined the fellowship, she is conducting the primary research for collecting evidence based hardcore data for further interventions

Harsh Raj

Theme of work: Accessibility in Higher Education for Person with Disabilities



Harsh from Patna is currently studying in Hyderabad University and is working on making higher education accessible to persons with disability. He is in the process of  identifying various underlying problems and spread awareness amongst people

Masoom Reza

Theme of work: Accessible E-Database



Masoom from Champaran, Bihar is a law graduate and is working towards making E-data bases accessible. He has proceeded with his primary research to collect data on his area of work

Manish Kumar

Theme of work:. Addressing Policy Gaps in Building Bye Laws being followed in Delhi- NCR



Manish from Sahibganj, Jharkhand has done civil engineering and his area of work includes addressing policy gaps that leads to inaccessible infrastructure for persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in New Delhi.

Sonu Ram

Theme of work: Rehabilitation for Persons with Disability in slums of Delhi



Sonu Ram from Delhi is working on rehabilitation for persons with disability. He is the founder of Nirmala Charitable Foundation

Priya Srivastava

Theme of work:. Needs Assessment towards Caregiving for Disabled Persons



Priya from Aliganj, Lucknow is working on importance of care giver.